韩建新 Jason Han
拥有逾15年500强跨国企业实战管理经验,曾就职于梅赛德斯-奔驰(中国)、安利等大型国际型企业担任培训发展及测评中心负责人。获得梅赛德斯-奔驰全球“培训培训师(Trainer Qualification Teaching and Learning)”认证。拥有丰富的人才发展及培训的实践与教学经验。
Jason Han has held over 15 years of practical management experience in Fortune 500 multinational corporations, he used to service as the manager of training &development and Assessment center at Mercedes - Benz (China), Amway and other large international enterprises. He had been certificated the ‘Train the Trainer (Trainer Qualification Teaching and Learning)’ in Mercedes - Benz.
Clear training style: insightful, result-oriented; humorous, interactive and inspiring; focusing on practical and implementing work after training. During the training, Jason Han focus on the application of training contents, stimulating the students’ interest in learning, and deeply analyzing of the case and issues raised by the participants and meanwhile delivering timely feedbacks in class.
高阶领导力:美国VitalSmarts公司北美课程《影响者》;美国InsideoutDevelopment公司课程《Insideout coaching》
•Certified trainer of Influencer from VitalSmarts company and InsideOut COACHING from InsideOut Development company.
•General management courses: A+ Manager, SUM, EQ Management, Crisis Management, Inter-departmental Communication and Collaboration, Recruiting and interviewing skills, Executive Excellence, Performance Review, Objective Management and etc.
•TTT: Train the trainers - teaching and learning
State-owned enterprises: ICBC, CITIC Bank, Foton,HENGFENG Bank, South East Motor, UNIPEC, COFCO, CSCEC Sinopharm-UMD, UCMC, Air China Cargo, AHCOF Holdings
Joint ventures: SAP, GM, Watson, Amway, Mercedes - Benz, Fujitsu software, AIA, Samsung data, Infiniti,Nestle,BORGWARD
Well-known private enterprises: AISIDI, GFAN, Sinder Technology, Watchdata, Dunhuang, Jinyu Group, Suzhou Kai Shilin,Jinkereal estate, financial circles, Neo Capital Group, TunghsuGroup, ERKE, ANTA , Vanke, JD, AOTO