刘雯雯 Grace Liu
拥有近20年人力资源管理经验,先后在太平洋保险集团、荷兰ING集团、复星集团、美国保德信集团旗下等合资机构担任人力资源部总经理,负责企业人力资源全面管理。擅长企业组织效能及人力资源系统化管理,重点关注企业人才发展。曾参与ING Group 全球人才发展项目及计划的推动,重点参与亚太区核心企业高潜力人才发展计划及继任者计划等项目。
With nearly 20 years’ experiences in human resource management, Grace Liu had served as the general manager of HR Dept. in the Pacific Insurance Group, the Dutch ING Group, Fosun Group and Prudential Group's US, responsible for the overall management of corporate human resource. She specializes in organizational effectiveness and systematic management of HR, focusing on talent development in companies. She had been involved in promoting global talent development project in ING Group, especially on participating in developing the high potential talents and succession plan program in Asia-Pacific region.
Grace Liu’s training is objective driven and highly structured, she is good at critical thinking and using vivid language in class. In order to achieve the best outcome, Grace Liu always align the core concept with practical experience and case analysis.
Her training style is funny and easy to understand, practical and highly involved. She strive s to focus on achieving the effectiveness in the training process following up after training.
高阶领导力:美国VitalSmarts公司北美课程《关键对话》;美国Insideout Development公司课程《Insideout coaching》
通用管理技能:《A+经理人》1-2阶、《新经理成长地图》《教练式辅导》《向上管理》《绩效加速》 《关键人才》 《高绩效团队》《绩效加速》《有效授权》
Certified trainer of Crucial Conversations from VitalSmarts company and InsideOut COACHING from InsideOut Development company.
General management courses: A+ Manager, SUM, Coaching, Manage upwards, Leadership Transition, Key Talent, High Performance Team, Empowerment and so on.
Human resource management.
大型国企:中国远洋海运集团、华东医药、国货航、国家电投、上海航道局、中国银行、重庆银行、广发银行、中信银行、平安银行、兴业银行、北汽福田、中国移动、中海石油炼化 、民生银行、泰康教育
三资企业:赛默飞世尔、安捷伦、金佰利、艾伯维医药 、延锋江森、欧姆龙
State-owned enterprises: China Ocean Shipping Group, Huadong Medicine, Air China Cargo, State Power Investment, Shanghai Waterway Bureau, Bank of China, Bank of Chongqing, Guangdong Development Bank, CITIC Bank, Ping An Bank, Industrial Bank, Foton , China Mobile,China National Offshore Oil Corporation
Joint ventures: Thermo Fisher, Agilent, OMRON Corporation
Well-known private enterprises:Sinochem International Logistics, DJEC, TCL, SINDER, Ctrip, Media, Founder Electronics , ANTA, Mark Fairwhale ,Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company Limited