
刘艳玲 Helena Liu


专业背景Professional Background

二十余年外企从业经验,先后就职于美国通用电气公司(GE)、韩国三星集团(Samusung)担任首席执行官助理多年。其后一直从事人力资源管理工作,曾在全球最大的媒体集团 - 美国新闻集团(News Corp)子公司星空传媒,担任人事总监全面负责星空传媒及新闻集团下属子妹公司在华人事工作。 之后,就职于科闻一百,一家英国跨国公关咨询公司,担任北亚地区人事经理,主持科闻在大陆、香港、新加坡、马来西亚及日本的人事管理工作。

获得伊利诺依大学(University of Illinois)工商管理硕士学位;美国北帕克大学(North Park University)人力资源管理证书。

Helena Liu holds a BA in English from Beijing Normal University, MBA from University of Illinois and Graduate Certificate in HR Management from North Park University in the US.  With more than 20 years experiences in MNCs like Samsung, GE and News Corp., Helena accumulated profound cross-culture communication skills. Her previous management position was HR Manager, North APAC at Text 100, a British global PR company.

【凯洛格】讲师刘艳玲 介绍片


授课风格Training Style


Helena has a fine sense of humor which makes her class lively and vivid. Her teaching style is both western and Chinese. She is good at driving up class participation and at the same time focusing on instruction. She prefers to focus on case study while providing theoretical development. Her audiences include foreign companies, state-owned enterprises, universities, and private companies in manufacturing, real estate, banking, media, energy, education, and film. Helena is unique in that, as a trainer,  she is able to use her profound management experience relating back to practical experience.

擅长领域Specialized Programs



Certified trainer for Crucial Conversations from VitalSmarts company. General management courses includes: PDP Test Interpretation & Application; Coaching, SUM, Managing Upwards, A+ Managers,Senior Secretaries,etc.

服务的客户Specialized Programs




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