任巍 Ren Wei
With MBA degree of NUS Business School, Ren Wei has over 30 years’ business administration experience, including sales management, human resources management and comprehensive management experience. Ren used to work in Xi’an Jassen, specializing in sales management for 8 years, with another 8 years focusing on human resources management in the same company. Later, Ren joined Yangtze River Pharmaceutical Group, serving as the GM assistant and General Manager of its subsidiary.
She always brings a cohesion power to the class, with her quick intellect and explicit case sharing in an elegant, kind and well-organized way. She emphasizes a lot on collecting students’ feedbacks and putting theoretical knowledge into practices. With experience she gained in state-owned enterprises and foreign companies, combined with her solid theory accumulation, she fills her class with series of practical skills which students could easily follow, and they can transform the way of thinking as powerful management tools.
高阶领导力:美国VitalSmarts公司的两门北美课程《关键对话》、《影响者》及《关键责任》;美国Insideout Development公司课程《Insideout coaching》
销售管理:美国Richardson公司品牌课程《顾问式销售》、《绩效导向的销售辅导》Master trainer
Advanced leadership: Crucial Conversations and Influencer (VitalSmarts’s two best training courses in NA region); Crucial Accountability; Insideout coaching (a popular course from Insideout Development company).
Sales management: popular courses from Richardson company of the USA, such as Consultative Selling, Developmental Sales Coaching
三资企业:默沙东、拜耳医药、葛兰素史克、雅培、贝朗医疗、华瑞制药、杜邦、马士基、美盛农资、康菲石油、安利、三星电子、住友制药、花旗银行、礼来、美盛农资、欧姆龙、松下电器、威睿、甲骨文、 NAMSA 、赛诺菲、博世、马肯依玛士、玛氏、百特、雅培、赛默飞世尔、先正达、东风日产、强生、GE医疗、雅虎、麦克维尔等
知名民企:中信国健药业、辉凌制药、北京护理协会、万科地产、世纪互联、吉祥航空、四川机场、汽车之家、安踏、京东方、美的、 BOE、华为、顺丰大学等
Large state owned enterprises: Air China, China Resources Group, Sinochem Petroleum, China life, BAIC Group, Yunnan Baiyao, Chinese Unicom, China COSCO Group and etc.
Foreign funded enterprises: MSD, Bayer, GlaxoSmithKline, Abbott, Braun Medical, Sino-Swed Pharmaceutical Corporation Ltd, DuPont, Maersk Line, The Mosaic Company, ConocoPhillips, Amway, Samsung, Citibank, Sumitomo pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly, OMRON, Panasonic, VMware, Oracle,NAMSA, Sanofi, Bosch, Markem Imaje, MARS, NYSE:BAX, Abbott Laboratories, Thermo Fisher, Syngenta, Dongfeng-NISSAN, Johnson & Johnson, McQuay , YAHOO and etc.
Well-known private enterprises: CITIC Health Pharmaceutical, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Vanke Real estate, Century Internet, BOE, Juneyao Airlines, Sichuan Airport, Car Home, Hailiang Real Estate, Anta and etc.