
魏开诚 William Wei


专业背景Professional Background

毕业于瑞士管理学院,拥有20多年的管理经验,曾就职于渣打国际商业银行消费金融学院副总裁,香港桑德斯集团(肯德基,必胜客) 亚太区训练执行长,百胜全球餐饮集团肯德基人资负责人。任职期间帮助企业构建全台湾运营中心的培训系统及担任总讲师,提升公司整体竞争力。

Graduated from Swiss Management School, Mr. Wei has more than 20 years’ experience in business management. He ever worked as Vice President in Consumer Finance Institute of Standard Chartered Bank, Training Executive of AP Region in Saunders Group of Hong Kong, HR Department Head in KFC of Yum! Brands Inc. On his post as the head trainer, he set up the training system for Taiwan operations center, and promoted the comprehensive competitiveness of the company.

【凯洛格】讲师魏开诚 授课片段


授课风格Training Style


His lecture is lively and concise, with incisive analysis and in-depth comments. He combines the theoretical basis and decades of practical management experience, presenting a sufficient and diversified training course. By explaining profound theories in simple languages and practical skill coaching, with the customer centric way of thinking and the customized teaching, he is able to leave students a deep impression on the theories and skills, and his training course is always popular among the students.

擅长领域Specialized Field



通用管理技能:凯洛格经典品牌课《新经理成长地图》、《A+经理人1阶 2阶》、哈佛线下精品课《培养员工》 、《问题分析与决策》 、《向上管理》、《授权》、《团队管理》等

TTT系列: 授课技巧、高阶互动技巧、行动式课程开发等

Interaction Management “互动管理学”认证讲师

Advanced leadership: Crucial Conversations (VitalSmarts’s best-selling training course in NA region)

Sales management: Consultative Selling from Richardson of the USA

General management skills: Stepping up to management (KeyLogic classic course); A+ manager; Harvard offline classics: Develop the Employees, Problem Formulation and Solution Elements, Managing Up, Authorization, team management, etc.

TTT Series: Teaching skills, Advanced Interaction Skills, Mobile Curriculum Development, etc.

Interaction Management certified trainer

服务的客户(部分)丨Major Cliences(Partial)




Large state owned enterprises: Bank of China, New light Life Insurance, Dong Feng Motor Company Ltd, Agriculture Bank of China, COSCO Group, Dalian Container Group, China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group, China Eastern Airlines,COFCO

Foreign funded enterprises: Uni-President China, Pepsi China, Coca Cola, Schneider, Yan Bao Auto, TOYOTA, GM, Panasonic, Bayer, Citibank, Standard Chartered Bank, Omron, Herbalife, General electric medical system (China) Co., Ltd., Agilent Technologies Inc.,Tajco, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporatio

Well-known private enterprises: China Merchants Bank, Industrial Bank, Semir Group, Baidu, Tencent China Foreign Exchange Trading Center, Country Garden Real Estate, CSOT Group, CITIC Hefei, CITIC Dongguan, Xiamen Airlines, Merchants Bank of Anhui, Macrosan Technologies 

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